Welcome To PRR South Fork Federal Credit Union
Sign Into PRR South Fork Online Banking
Due to Limited Staffing, our Southmont Office hours will be
TEMPORARILY modified to Tuesdays and Thursdays – 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
Please be assured that ALL Night Deposits will be posted Daily and
ALL calls will be transferred to and answered by our South Fork Office.
We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope that Southmont operations will be back to normal As Soon As Possible.
Your Board of Directors

Credit Union Services
PRR South Fork FCU offers a full range of financial services to help our members achieve important events in their lives.

PRR South Fork members are required to open and maintain a share or share draft account with a minimum $5.00 deposit.

PRR South Fork FCU offers a wide variety of loans to help us meet your financial needs. Contact one of our PRR South Fork FCU Loan Officers today!